Outreach, support, and patient advocacy

“One of the deep secrets of life is that all that is really worth doing is what we do for others.”

-Lewis Carrol

People with swallowing disorders suffer in silence with little information, support, or advocacy. We believe at the core of change is knowledge. By creating engaging learning opportunities that empower people with swallowing disorders, we can effect meaningful changes that make a difference in the communities we serve. Our superior, community-based options prioritize patient support, awareness, and advocacy.

Want to know how to make tasty meals on a modified diet? Check out our chef-led cooking demonstrations! Want to meet others who are navigating the challenges of living with a swallowing impairment? We welcome you to share your voice and experiences during one of our support group meetings.

We offer educational seminars, open to the general public, that cover a range of topics related to swallowing impairment. From navigating swallowing with head and neck cancer to the effects of respiratory diseases on swallow function; there is no topic too big or small. Knowledge is key!


What is dysphagia?

Head and Neck Cancer and Dysphagia

Dysphagia and Neurologic Diseases

National Foundation of Swallowing Disorders

“Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much.”

– Helen Keller